
Letting go the past

Letting go the past. It feels so good to leave it all behind. All your whining and complaints, your jealousy and your immaturity. I thought you were different. I fell in love in a weird way but it was pure love. You never understood what you had standing right next to you and you just took me for granted. That was your worst mistake, bigger than leaving me when I needed you most. I'm beyond that bullshit. Got tired of living my life in a way that could cause you no pain, I'm done with that, I'm sorry if it hurts, but you've hurt me enough and sooner or later someone should pay for my too many times destroyed heart.

Knock it off with the acting. I'm not going to keep on holding the crystal bubble I've helped you live in to avoid pain anymore. If you feel sad then go through with it, I'm not taking magic erasers anymore, I'm not painting you a life full of colors and music, smiles and cheers, if you have to crumble, go ahead, do it, I'm out, out to the sea, looking for something I lost when you shook my world.

Maybe in another time of our lives we can be friends again, but I don't feel like dealing with you right now. I won't hide my feelings anymore. You erased me from your memory, it's fair that I do the same..

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