
Good bye!

If you are gonna smoke, smoke the best.
If you are gonna drink, drink the best.
If you are gonna fuck, fuck the best.
If you are gonna wake up, wake up feeling as big as the sun.
For a long time I'd considered you the best and that's why I think you deserve nothing less.
I thought I was the best for you and I was happy being around you for that reason.  Now I've come to realize that I never was or I stopped being it, that's why I'm stepping aside to let you find someone greater that me...
I must confess, something inside me breaks down and sometimes it makes me wanna cry, but at this point I can be sure, I even can swear that you and me apart is the best that can happen right now.
I sincerely adore you, I always have and I promise I always will, for a billion reasons you rocked my world and nothing you can say or do from now on is gonna change that.
So I'm taking your prerogative and make it mine too, let the stars be your guide, maybe they will lead you back to my life, or not, we cannot tell what faith wants for us!
Take care and please make sure you always get the best out of everything...
As The Killers so wisely said... ¡¡¡Gonna turn this thing around!!!

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